- Tomorrow is Photo Day at school.
- We have a Teacher Only Day this Thursday 1 April. This means there is no school for the children.
- Easter Break starts on Friday and we do not return to school until Wednesday 7 April.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Week 9
On Monday we have our Puriri Pupuhi Nui swimming carnival. The weather forecast is not looking promising for this event however we are hopeful it will go ahead. If we have to cancel due to the weather we will contact you via the school app at 8.30am.
Photo Day is Wednesday. Both class and individual photos will be taken.
There is no school on Thursday for the children as it is a Teacher Only Day. Easter Break starts on Friday and we return to school on Wednesday 7 April.
Have you checked our Sports blog lately? Many of the winter sports codes have sent flyers advertising their winter registrations. If you are looking for a sport for your child please check out the sports blog.
We also have a library blog and Mrs Johns has a Cottage blog. Please check these out when you have a moment.
Kia pai to wiki!
Three Trips in One Week
Lots of wonderful experiences occurred in our backyard this week.
On Rātū, Tuesday, morning we walked up Owairaka Maunga. We spent time walking around the maunga identifying landmarks that are important to us. Some of the class were even able to point out their homes.
We were also very privileged to have Makuini, one of our parents, tell us the story of Wairaka who our maunga is named after.
On Rāpare, Thursday, our class showed what amazing kaitiaki we are by supporting the Sustainable Coastlines Cleanup. We walked along the Oakley Creek path and checked gutters and drains, picking up rubbish as we went. The following slides were shown to us at the assembly earlier in the week.
On Rāmere, Friday, we visited Owairaka Park and walked along Te Auaunga Walkway. Along the way we spotted quite a few pukeko and rakiraki. The mara hupara , traditional Maori playground, was the highlight of this trip.
We are so lucky to have such an amazing backyard!! Please take some time to visit these local landmarks with your child so they can share their experiences with you. They are just a walk away.
Many thanks to everyone who supported us on these trips. We look forward to seeing you again throughout the year.
Lastly, congratulations to Havana and Arnie who were awarded certificates at this week's school assembly for being great role models. Well deserved!!
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Week 8 Events
- appropriate shoes to walk in eg sneakers, covered shoes not jandals or bare feet
- 1 - 2 bottles of water
- morning tea and lunch
Week 7 Learning
Here are some examples of digital work we have done this term:
Congratulations to Edie and Louie who received
certificates and books, for their awesome mahi, at our assembly.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Week 7
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Back to School Week 6

Friday, March 5, 2021
Thursday / Friday - Week 5
Heads & Tails & Scattergories.
Over the past couple of days we played two games. If you would like to play these games with your families here are the instructions:
21 Day Challenge:
What is sedimentation?
After watching the videos on sedimentation we learned:
- sedimentation is mud that comes from the land when it rains
- sand on the beach is covered in mud
- it covers marine life too
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Wednesday Week 5
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Tuesday Week 5
Kia ora koutou!
Today we created a tally chart of our favourite toys. It was interesting that most of your faves were stuffed animals.
Make more wet lands and plant trees to stop mud getting into rivers and creeks and into the ocean.
Stop catching mussels because they filter our water.
Put more mussels back in our sea.
Monday, March 1, 2021
Week 5 - Our Learning At Home
I will be adding photos you have shared to each of these slideshows during our Level 3 Lockdown. You can use the toolbar at the bottom of the slides to pause and enlarge for a better view.
Please make a comment below so we know that you have viewed our work. Keep checking in!
Here is a slideshow Finlay created for his "A" letter inquiry.
If you have researched something beginning with "A" take a photo, video or make a slideshow of it and I will post it here.
Monday Week 5
Thank you to everyone who was able to join our class meeting this morning. I was very impressed with your drawings and how well you could follow the instructions. Tomorrow I will have another one for you to try.
Here is the bar graph we looked at together today
I will post videos of sedimentation tomorrow. Do you know what sedimentation is?
Don't forget to bring for favourite toy to our meeting tomorrow at 10.30am. We will be collecting data about our favourite toys. What do you think it will be?
Do you know what this is? Go to "The Cottage" link on the sidebar of our blog to find out more. Mrs Johns also has a competition for you.
You can comment below, email your answers or bring your answers to tomorrow's meeting.
Ka kite apopo.