Later this term is the Ōwairaka Art Exhibition. We have finished our first piece for the exhibit, a still life collage inspired by Eric Carle, children's author and artist.
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Learning About Huawhenua
We are always excited to have parents and grandparents come along on Wednesdays to help out at our Garden to Table sessions. This is a great opportunity to meet your child's friends and get to meet other parents. Next week our session is in the afternoon block, 1.30 - 3pm.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Giant Wooden Games
Thanks to one of our Ōwairaka parents the whole school was able to play with some giant wooden games. We shared our session with our buddy class, Room 11.
Elsa thought, "We should have had more time in the hall because we did not finish all the activities. If we had more time we could have practised and got better at each activity too."

Sunday, August 14, 2022
Soup Weather
This week our kitchen crew made delicious soup with homemade bread, followed up by lemon muffins. All the recipes for the dishes our class makes can be found on the Garden to Table blog. Thank you to our parents who volunteered this week - Shayna, Tevita, Bernice and Ini. If you would like to help us at Garden to Table this upcoming week, our session starts at 9am and finishes at 10.50am.
Monday, August 8, 2022
Garden to Table
Every Wednesday we have Garden to Table. Here are a few photos from our first week.
If you are able to volunteer in the kitchen we would love your support. Check our earlier post about Garden to Table that has the timetable on it.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Auckland Art Gallery
On Tuesday we were fortunate to visit the Auckland Art Gallery as part of our theme this term, Artist Superheroes. This was our first trip in two years which makes it even more special. I was very proud of the way Room 21 showed manaakitanga and manawanuitanga on this trip. Enjoy our slideshow.