Saturday, September 24, 2022
Police Dog Visit
Police dogs play a very important role in the police force and we were lucky to have been visited by some of these local animal heroes last week. German Shepherds are trained as police dogs because they are very intelligent, loyal and strong. It was very exciting to see their handlers taking the dogs through some drills for us.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Lost property

Sunday, September 18, 2022
Artist in Class
With this term's theme being Artist Heroes, not only do we have one artist parent but we have two! Niko's parents Sarah and Gregor are both artists and have volunteered to share their talents with our class.
The following slides are about the "Blocks", a collaborative piece that the children are working on with Sarah's guidance, which will be on display at the Art Exhibition next week.
Gregor will be speaking to the whole of Pūriri Team on Tuesday afternoon in Week 10, the assembly which Room 21 will be hosting. Please come along to our assembly if you are free. It will start at 2.10pm.
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Mālō e lelei
Last week we celebrated Tongan Language Week. During the week we learned how to greet in Tongan, we read about Ha’amonga ‘a Maui and "The Sons of Ma'afu (a Tongan legend) and we learned numbers and colours.
We were also visited by Phoenix, Litiane and Arianna who shared their culture with us. Malo āupito girls.
On Friday we dressed in Pasifika colours or in Tongan clothes, like Masei and Thaddeus. Both boys are wearing a tupenu with a dress shirt. Masei's traditional necklace was made by his grandmother.
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Hī Ika
He ________ tau? Do you have a __________?
Ae, he _______ tōku. Yes, I have a __________
Kaori, aku _______ No, I don't
We all know the numbers to ten. Other cards we learned are haki - jack, kuini - queen, kingi - king, hai - ace.