Welcome to Term 2! I hope you are all safe and well.
My apologies if you have already read my email I sent to you this morning as this may sound a little repetitive. If you did not get my email please contact me.
Yesterday Sheryl sent out a special letter. Please look for it on the school website or school app if you have it.
It seems a long time since I last communicated with you all so I will be phoning everyone over the next few days just to touch base with you all.
Every Wednesday I will update the Home Learning Choice Board and every Monday I will add some activities to the Learning at Home page for those of you who want more than just the Choice Board. Please do not feel obliged to complete all the work that I pop onto the blog. It is up to you, and your child, to decide on what is best for you at this time.
Here is this week's Home Learning Choice Board for this week. Yesterday I made a snakes and ladders game and taught my grand daughter how to play. She's getting pretty good at counting on.
If you are wanting something extra then check out the new page at the top of the blog called LEARNING AT HOME. (It will be up today 🤔)
You may have noticed that I have made some changes to the Maths and Reading pages and have added a Class Cookbook page too. Send in those recipes and photos. I have usernames and passwords for the sites for children who may have forgotten them. Tomorrow I will be posting information about the Core 5 literacy programme, already used by a few of the children, which is now available for everyone.
Don't forget if you have any questions please email me and I will contact you as soon as I can. Thanks to everyone who has emailed me updates and photos. I will keep adding these to the blog.
Nga mihi,
Nga mihi,
In summer time my favourite sandwich is lettuce and tomato. My husbands favourite sandwich is marmalade, blue cheese and peanut butter! Yuck. I look forward to finding out your combinations.