Saturday, February 27, 2021


Wow! We are nearly halfway through the term.

Last week we continued with the 21 Day Challenge and thanks to the eager kaitiaki in our class we have now picked up 706 pieces of plastic rubbish in and around our communities. This is fantastic news but also sad that so much plastic could have entered our oceans. These are photos from Louie on two separate occasions.

Congratulations to Joe who earned this week's certificate at the school assembly.


  • MUST DO -Reading every night for 10 - 15 minutes, either to someone else or to ourselves. Please remember to fill in the reading log to show what has been read.
  • CAN DO - For those children who enjoy inquiring this is for you! Every week will be represented by a new letter eg this week is the letter 'A'. Your task is to find something interesting and unusual that starts with the letter 'A' and be prepared to share some information you found out about it on Friday. You can present your information anyway you want. Some of the 'A' topics from past classes have been avocados, anacondas, the Arctic Circle, ants, and allergies.  

Class swimming is on Tuesday and Thursday. All children are expected to bring their togs unless they have a note.

Our Open Morning is this Thursday. Please come along anytime between 8.55 and 10.50am to see what we have been doing and join in with our learning.

Kia pai te wiki!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, there is a lot of plastic that we need to pick up before it gets to the ocean! Thank you for being responsible and picking up what you see. Hmm ... a wonder what 'A' topics will shared... angelfish, albatross, alpaca?
