Friday, June 26, 2020


I have no idea who these feet belong to. Do you?

Thank you for supporting our Funky Feet Friday!  
Walking, scootering and biking to and from school is a great way to include daily physical activity into your children’s lives, and support us to be a Travelwise School. A bonus is that this also helps to reduce traffic chaos at the school gate, which is very important for everyone's safety.


  1. Fantastic funky feet Room 21! Thank you for supporting our Travelwise Day.
    I wonder who will be able to guess the feet correctly?

  2. Funky Feet Rm 21
    I spot Lukas feet, the black shoes with the flowers and drawings glued on the pipe cleaners, a monster garden. Loved your drawings Luka and was impressed you wore this on your shoes the whole day
