Sunday, April 9, 2017

Final Week of Term

CONGRATULATIONS to Savannah for her positive attitude to learning all term and to Amal who received a prize for being kind to others in the playground.

Our wonderful Tryathletes were also acknowledged for their efforts at Friday's assembly. Great teamwork Luca, Anjola, Lillia, Vinnie and Lucas. (James is overseas at present)

NOTICES: Each child was given a reminder notice about our Learning Discussions which take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please take the time to book a slot for your child and I to share their learning with you. This meeting will be led by your child so they need to attend. School finishes at 3pm on Tuesday and 2pm on Wednesday.

On the other side of the Learning Discussion reminder is the notice regarding the typhoid outbreak. Please read this notice carefully.

HOMEWORK: Finally, there will be no set homework this week. All library books and classroom readers need to be returned this week. Your child can read their Duffy Books or other books you have at home for their reading this week. Well done to the following children who have completed all their homework ( reading log included) on a regular basis all term:
              Lillia                Franny            Keisomani         Alodia            Bitner               
                      Matilda            Yousuf                   Amal               Taylah 

Don't forget the term finishes at 2pm on Thursday. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Congratulations to Anjola for his wonderful ideas he has shared during our poetry writing time.

Our class photos are tomorrow (Wednesday 5 April). The children need to come neatly dressed for this.

Unfortunately we have headlice in our classroom. Yesterday I sent home a note with all the children and I would appeciate it if you could all check your children's hair daily for the next 3 weeks. If you do find the lice or the eggs please help by using the advice on the notice I sent home.

These are next Tuesday and Wednesday. Please book in a time on line or send me a note to do it for you (Give me 2 - 3 time slots you would prefer as you may not get your first choice). These discussions will be led by your child so they need to be at the meeting to talk about their learning.

Have a great week!