Monday, August 28, 2017

Book Week

Wow!! Book Week is here at last!!
There are lots of things happening this week so please chat to your child about Book Week 2017. 

Highlights include:

  • Book raffles $2 a ticket or $5 for 3 tickets. There are lots of prizes. Our Whetu Maths group are selling the tickets outside Room 9 every morning and afternoon this week
  • Stop, Drop and Read will happen every day. 
  • Teacher swap - One day this week all the teachers will be swapping class to read to another group of children.
  • The Book Week Assembly will be at 9.15am this Friday. Hopefully everyone in our class will come dressed as a book character for the parade.
Such an exciting week for us all!


As requested, here is the funny photo I took of the class for Book Week. Can you spot James? It's great to have him back!!!

Monday, August 21, 2017


Congratulations to everyone in Room 8 for contributing to today's assembly. I have linked our assembly slides for sharing. This week we also need to take an updated class photo to include our new boys who have joined us from Room 18. Welcome to Ma'ake, Nicolas and Jas!!!

The school focus for the next fortnight is all about being resilient in the playground and in our classroom. Can you think of ways you can be resilient at home?

GARDEN TO TABLE is after lunch on Wednesday if you would like to help us in the garden. 

HOME LEARNING was given out today and it is due back on Friday. The home learning is marked straight after the roll at 8.55am.

PASIFIKA FONO Wednesday 23 August (this Wednesday) 9am - 9.45am OR 3.15pm - 4pm in the staffroom. Any children will be looked after by staff while you attend the fono. Come along and find out ways to help your children with Maths and Literacy at home. 

Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Handwriting Hints

Hi everyone!
I was asked by a couple of parents about handwriting at the recent learning discussions. You may have noticed the letter formation sheets that I glued  into the children's home learning books, which show the correct formation for letters that we teach in New Zealand.
This chart (below) shows the correct starting points for the capital letters, lowercase letters and numbers. If you would like to practise at home please use these models for starting points 

 I have glued a copy of this sheet into only some handwriting books.

I have also attached a chart to show the pencil grip development of children:
Please help encourage your child to use the dynamic tripod grip to write with. This allows more fine movement with their fingers and greater fluency to write faster.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Term 3 Week 3

Kia Orana everyone,

There are a couple of important notices for this week:
  • Swimming: Tuesday - Thursday. 1pm - 3pm. Don't forget togs and towels.
  • Garden to Table will be at 9.10am - 10.50am this week.
  • Learning Discussions take place on Wednesday and Thursday. School finishes at 3pm on both these days. Thanks to everyone who has booked an appointment so far. Please remember to bring your child along as these are student led discussions about their learning.
  • Room 8's Got Talent: On Friday Savannah, Keisomani, Lucas, Marcus and Anjola all performed for the class. I am looking forward to seeing other class members over the next couple of weeks. Some of them will be chosen to perform at the Puriri Assembly when it is our turn in Week 5.
  • Homework - Sadly only 3 children remembered to bring their home learning books and their reading logs, with 4 days of reading, to school on Friday with all their homework complete. I am concerned that so many are not doing any reading so ...
This week we are only going to have reading homework - no Spelling or Maths ... JUST READING
.            Image result for reading clipart           Image result for reading clipart
Every child has a reading log. Every child will be personally given a book or story to read. They only need to read for 10 - 15 minutes to you each night (Monday - Thursday). 
The goal is to have everyone reading every night. Can we do it??

Have a great week everyone !!

Schoolwide Focus for Weeks 3 & 4

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Who Loves Garden To Table?

Sarah shares her knowledge about plant life cycles with the FRUIT GROUP

          Jerico loved the curry so much he had to have seconds. The smile tells it all!! 😀


We have now completed our first 3 swimming sessions and it is wonderful to see everyone bringing their togs. Thanks to the parents who have helped supervise the children while they have been in the big pool. So many smiley faces!!!