Sunday, March 25, 2018

Race Relations Day

On Friday we celebrated Race Relations Day Owairaka Style. Most of the class came dressed in costumes either from their own culture or from another.
We were lucky to have Ariella's mum, Flo, tell us a story from Samoa. Afterwards we looked at taonga from different parts of the world. Ana showed us her ta'ovala and explained what it was made of.
At lunchtime we shared the food we brought in, from different cultures, with the rest of the school. The rain didn't deter us from enjoying the feast! 
Finally we spent the afternoon weaving kente patterns from Africa. We learned that Senga is an expert at weaving 😀
What a great day of learning we had!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. HI room 21 hope yous have a good time at your school.
    Hope yous have a good day god bless.

    keep up the good work.

