Sunday, July 28, 2019

Term 3 Welcome Back 😀

Welcome back everyone!!!
Firstly, thankyou to everyone who attended our student led conferences. We have had 22/25 families attend which is wonderful!The children were very proud of their slides and will be using their next steps as their goals for this term. 

Secondly, didn't the children do well with their Holiday Reading Logs? 23 of the 25 children in our class remembered to bring their holiday logs to school this week. Fantastic!! Every child who brought their reading log to school received a certificate and a prize from Fairy Judy. 

Finally, this week is Green Week. Please check your child's home learning book to see the special events each day. 

Have a great week,


  1. great job winning the reading class from jude and bhargavi

  2. Good job Rm 21 that looks like the whole class got a prize

    From Sakina mum
