Sunday, March 3, 2019

B Is For ....

This week lots of children chose to research topics beginning with B for their Home Learning. Here are a few ...

Bees by Hiero

Bees by Mackenzie
1. Some bees are really fat
2. Bees are really clever because they have special jobs

3. Some people are really allergic to bees

Bees make honey.
Bees eat nectar.
Bees pollinate flowers.
Bees have a queen.
By Aysha

5 Facts About Battle Royale by Jarvis

1.In a single weekend this February 3.4million people were playing battle royale at the same time.

2.Epic games made fortnite battle royale in September 2017

3.A win is called a victory royale

4. 2 billion people play fortnite battle royale
5. Epic games has made more than $1 billion since battle royale came out.

Image result for fortnite pictures big season 8

There are other fantastic projects on display in our classroom. Feel free to pop in and see them.


  1. Hi Room 21. Here is my B fact: over 100 billion BANANAS are eaten every year around the world. That is A LOT of bananas!!!

  2. Beautiful work room 21. ��
    From Kelly, Hiero’s mum.
