Sunday, March 10, 2019

C Is For ...

C is for Cicadas, carrots, caterpillars, cucumbers, Christmas, cars, camouflage and cats. Here is more amazing information from home learning this week. 

Image result for stars images clip artKeep reading everyone! Big shout outs to Hiero, Libby, Oli, Vibhore, Teddy and Aysha for reading from Monday - Thursday (4 nights) and recording your reading in your reading log. 


  1. Fantastic facts for 'C' Room 21 - although it seems my lazy cat sleeps nearly ALL day! (You may be pleased to know that I was CRUNCHING on a CARROT as I read through your blog post.)

    1. Thank you for telling us about your cat. We really appreciate it! Hiwatt

  2. Awesome work Room 21! :)
