Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Week 4 Update

Congratulations to Luka and Litiane, our classroom stars last week, who were caught being good. Well deserved you two!

We are almost finished with our 10 day intensive swimsafe coaching sessions. This week the children have been practising their survival skills using life jackets.

Today we were very privileged to be visited by Riley, the star of Young Ocean Explorers, whose website we have been accessing during our Reading sessions.
She has encouraged us to pick up at least one piece of plastic every day to keep rubbish out of our harbour. We even got to have a photo taken with her afterwards. Deacon is holding up his Young Ocean Explorers book that Riley signed when she was younger, and signed again today. 

Have you noticed the blue and green? That's because it's Green Week! Wrapper Free Lunches Day tomorrow. We can do it 😁


  1. Great to see what you have been up to this week Rm 21. Luka came home full of information and questions after hearing Riley speak. The Young Ocean Explorers website is a great resource that we will be able to use to continue learning at home too. Well done Luka and Litiane, Luka loved his new book

  2. My name is mona and I wish I choud have a pether whith her

  3. I���� the young ocean �� explorers ��

  4. Ka pai Litiane and Luka - thank you for being great role models!
