Friday, August 14, 2020

Meet Xavier's New Pup

 Lola is a salt and pepper Miniature Schnauzer

I got Lola because I wanted a mate to snuggle

Lola is from a kennel in Ramarama

Her dad is called Basil and her mum is called Fern.

Lola is 10 weeks old nearly 11

Lola’s favorite food is duck sticks and chicken necks.

I like that Lola likes jumping and chasing me.

I don’t like that Lola try’s to bite my leg and slippers.

Lola can roll over on accident and sit down on permission.

Its hard work having a puppy but it’s worth it.


  1. Lola is super cute! You are right, having a pet is hard work but definitely worth all of the effort. I'm sure Lola will give you lots of lovely snuggles Xavier.

  2. Oh Lola I have heard so much about you, it's nice to finally meet you! Xavier you will be amazing at looking after Lola, enjoy this little bit of extra time together :)

  3. Oooh that's an adorable little dog!Congratulations!

  4. Hi Dayelle and Harper here we just wanted to say what a cute dog!!

  5. hi its vibhore i like your pup its so cute
