Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Class Meeting

 Thank you everyone who attended our class chat this morning, I wasn't expecting so many of you. It was great to hear what you had been up to this morning in your bubbles. It was definitely a new experience for most of us! I'm looking forward to seeing you all in person next week. Until then, be kind and take care of everyone in your bubble.

I thought you might like to read this recount of our meeting that Dayelle wrote afterwards.


  1. Wow well done Room 21, it looks like your first online meeting went really well. I'm sure it was great to see everyone's faces again and be able to say 'hi'. Dayelle I was interested to read your story, I can understand why you might have felt a bit nervous but I am so glad it was really fun as well.
    See you all next week!

  2. hi its me isaiah i missed it because i had to go do chores :( sorry

  3. Wow good work Dayelle! Thanks for decribing how the meeting went.
    When you describe that Annie had to tell the class what she has been doing.
    Like painting, reading, Math, and Cleaning!
    Great work that you have done. i hope you had lots of fun!
    I wish I was on the call too!
    From Lavina Saumani.

  4. Talofa Room 21 it's Keisomani and I am in Room 23, I really love looking at you guys talking and getting to talk to each other.You guys brought me back to when I did my google meets and we did a little game and it was called scaventure hunt, so this boy in our class said we have to fine something colorful so I got my old tow and it had stripes that was rainbow towel anyways what game did you guys play? <a href="I
    >My blog</a>

  5. Kia ora Room 21 it is J'varn here I am in room 7. It must of been fun seeing every one I remember doing that When I was in lockdown How many did you do.
    blog you later.

  6. Hi my name is Kaynin I really enjoy seeing you writing be kind and don’t give up
