Tuesday, February 16, 2021

21 Day Challenge

 This term our class is taking part in the 21 Day Challenge. Click on the photo and watch the first video clip to find out what the 21 Day Challenge is all about.

Your Challenge is to collect at least one piece of plastic rubbish that you find on the footpath, berm or in the gutter outside your house or on your street. Take a photo of it and email it through to me at mmudgway@owairaka.school.nz.

What do you know about the Hauraki Gulf? Have you been on it or under it? Click on the next photo to learn about how special this part of our backyard is.

We are all great kaitiaki at school but the environment we need to care for is all around us. Click on the next photo to watch the video about being a kaitiaki of the Hauraki Gulf.

Here is the rubbish I found this morning that I picked up and put in the bin. What do you think these are from? What did you find? 

Don't forget to wash your hands!

Ka kite apopo at our 10.30 Google Meeting,

ps you can add a comment or questions to the bottom of this post 💭💬


  1. Great work stopping this plastic going down the drain and then into the Hauraki Gulf Maria. 😊

    1. Wait til you see the photos of what the rest of the class have been collecting! We have some awesome kaitiaki in our class :-)

  2. Just imagine what we can do if we all pick up the plastic rubbish near our homes and workplaces. Teamwork makes the dream work.
