Thursday, May 14, 2020

Luka's Lockdown Activities

I have been doing Slovenian lessons with my Dad, he is teaching my Mum and Niko too.
We have been leaning about the seasons
This is how you say leaves are falling in autumn - Jeseni odpada listje
I made a sloth and a tiger using a toilet paper role body, I cut cut arms and legs from cardboard and stuck everything together with a glue gun.
I did screen printing with my Mum in her studio, we cut out paper cuts to create patterns.
I have been doing lots of maths and challenging myself.
I am enjoying reading, my favourite book so far is the Worlds Worst Teachers by David Williams. I made a reading log.
I have been writing a long story, I have have recorded this for you to listen to, its not finished yet.
I have been going for long walks, one day we walked 10 kilometres and I counted 248 bears and toys in the windows.
I have been making lots of Lego too.

Here is a recording of Luka reading a story he has written.


  1. Hi Luka
    It is lovely to see all of the interesting and exciting learning that has been happening in your bubble. I like the sound of your toilet roll construction animals! How would you say "see you soon" in Slovenian?

  2. luka i like your lego by harry
