Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lucy's Lockdown

Lucy emailed through a few photos of some of the things she has been doing during Lockdown. It's fantastic that dance lessons can continue on line! 
My dance schools started online classes which they kept up all through the holidays.  This is me doing my ballet class and then my jazz class.  I look forward to seeing my friends and my teacher at the lessons.

 My sister Neena turned 10 in lockdown so we celebrated with a family walk, some dancing, donuts and a yummy cake.

Lockdown gave our family lots more time so I got to help in the kitchen more which I really love.  

I built lots and lots of lego houses and creations.  Me and my sister moved our bedroom around every day too which was really cool.

 I Zoom my friends a lot.  We talk about lots of stuff and it  is really cool catching up with them.

We did a jigsaw puzzle and lots of craft stuff.  

Thanks for sharing Lucy 😀


  1. Kia Ora
    You have been very busy Lucy. That birthday cake looks delicious and isn't it fantastic that you are able to chat to your friends on Zoom.
    From Mrs Haines

  2. Lucy it looks like Marcus is enjoying watching you and Neena do your dance lessons!!!
    I wonder what are your favourite things to cook, you look like a chef in the kitchen!
